How to Install Theme

Getting Started

Table of Contents

You can install the theme automatically or manually. It’s better to install on a fresh WordPress installation.

Manual Installation

Extract the zipped package downloaded from Wbcom Designs to your desktop. In the extracted package you will find which is the WordPress theme file.
You can install the theme one of two ways:


Navigate to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress administration panel.
Click the Add New button at the top of the page.
Click the Upload theme button at the top of the page.
Select the theme .zip file in the theme package downloaded from Wbcom Designs and click Install Now.


Connect to your website host using your FTP client.
Go to your default WordPress themes folder (/wp-content/themes/) and upload the non-zipped theme folder into that folder (/wp-content/themes/).
After uploading the theme, you must preview and activate it.

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